Haz zoom en esta imagen de alta resolución de la vía láctea

Ciencia y Tecnología Principal

Esta imagen de la Vía Láctea tiene más de 9.000 millones de píxeles y permite ampliarla hasta ver estrellas individuales en el centro de nuestra galaxia

This striking view of the central parts of the Milky Way was obtained with the VISTA survey telescope at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile. This huge picture is 108 200 by 81 500 pixels and contains nearly nine billion pixels. It was created by combining thousands of individual images from VISTA, taken through three different infrared filters, into a single monumental mosaic. These data form part of the VVV public survey and have been used to study a much larger number of individual stars in the central parts of the Milky Way than ever before. Because VISTA has a camera sensitive to infrared light it can see through much of the dust blocking the view for optical telescopes, although many more opaque dust filaments still show up well in this picture. This image is too large to be easily displayed at full resolution and is best appreciated using the zoom tool. Read about the composition of this 9 gigapixel image in this newsletter.

El ESO, observatorio europeo del sur, que opera tres observatorios astronómicos en el desierto de Atacama, en Chile, nos obsequia con esta oportunidad de sentirnos insignificantes. Esta imagen de la Vía Láctea tiene una resolución de 108.199 x 81.503 píxeles y se puede ampliar para mostrar estrellas individuales en la parte central de nuestra galaxia.

Haz clic en la imagen para acceder a la herramienta de zoom en la página de la ESO.

Nota original de Quo.